Important Information

We collect some personal information when you use our website, and because we take your privacy seriously, we provide the following Privacy Policy, which describes what information we collect and how it is used. This policy may undergo updates in the future, and we advise you to consult it regularly in order to be informed of any changes.

Use of this website signifies your understanding of, agreement with and acceptance of the terms set forth in this policy. If you do not agree with or accepts these terms, you must stop using the website.

Our website is not meant for individuals who are under the age of 18, and we do not knowingly collect any personal information from such individuals.

We are committed to the security of your personal information and take every precaution to ensure it is not lost or misused.

This policy applies to all versions of the website (desktop and mobile), to any applications authored by us and used to access the website content, and also to all correspondence between you and the website.

This website may contain links to other websites or other third parties, and following those links may allow those sites to collect and share your personal information. Our privacy policy does not apply to third-party websites. Always read the privacy policies of the sites you visit.

Any questions you may have concerning this policy may be sent to us by way of our contact form.

Personal data we collect

We gather different kinds of information from registered and non-registered users of our website as described in the following:

A. Members - Registration as a site member requires you to provide a username, password and email address, and during your subsequent interactions with the website, information such as preferences and interests is collected, as well as information voluntarily supplied when using the 'feedback' or 'contact' form, and all technical and usage data that is also collected from non-members (see 'Browsers' below).

B. Browsers - As a user of the website you passively provide us with technical data regarding your use of the website. We also collect data about your browser, device, location and time zone, your IP address and other such information.

Collection of information

We collect your data by way of the following:

Passive Collection - We use cookies to collect information about you so that we can improve your experience on our website. This information includes, but is not limited to, your IP address, geographic location and other session data.

Active Collection - You may directly give us your personal information when you create an account, post materials on the website, or communicate with us for any purpose.

Use of personal information

We process information for a variety of purposes, which include the following:

- For the provision of the website and to allow you to interact with it

- To display content and advertising that is in line with your interests

- For research and analysis purposes to maintain and improve the website

- To analyze, diagnose and resolve technical issues that interfere with the website's operation

- To offer user support and process feedback, inquiries or reports received

- For the compliance with applicable law and for cooperation with law enforcement and government agencies

How we share your information

We will only share your personal information with certain third parties for the following purposes:

- Contractors and other third parties we engage to support our business, and only for the purposes for which we disclose it to them

- A buyer or successor who comes into possession of all or any substantial portion of our business assets as a result of a merger, acquisition, sale, or transfer of such for any reason, including bankruptcy, liquidation, or any similar proceeding

- Law enforcement agencies, government regulators, courts and any such organizations for the purposes of meeting legal or regulatory obligations or to protect our rights or the rights of other people

Rights of users

You can contact us in regard to the exercising of your rights concerning personal information. These rights include access, correction, restriction, and deletion. Furthermore, you have the right to request a copy or transfer of your information, object to the processing of it, or withdraw your consent for its use.

Transfer of information to other countries

By using our website you consent to the transfer, storage, and processing of the personal information we collect form and about you to other countries that may have less stringent privacy laws and may be located outside the European Economic Area.
